Latitude/Longitude and Topographical Maps

by Sister Marie Dianne, Bishop O'Connell High School
I. Key in for URL location: (copy and paste this web address)
    [ U.S.Geological Service ] (The above banner is from
 1. Print all 4 pages
 2. Answer questions on these pages

II. Go to:
  1) Print out a Hurricane Tracking map
  2) Plot the path of Tropical Storm Gabrielle: (Using dots on your graph paper, then connecting them...) Tracking Info For Tropical Storm Gabrielle

 Time             Lat   Lon   Wind(mph)  Pressure  Storm type
21 GMT 09/11/01  25.5N 84.2W     30 1010     Tropical Depression
15 GMT 09/12/01  25.7N 85.9W     30 1008     Tropical Depression
15 GMT 09/14/01  27.6N 82.2W     60  986     Tropical Storm
09 GMT 09/15/01  28.7N 80.8W     45  995     Tropical Storm
21 GMT 09/15/01  30.1N 78.3W     50  999     Tropical Storm
Tropical Storm Gabrielle ... from: the Weather Underground:

*Plot these tracking points for several other 2001 storms below, and LABEL them as:TD2, A, B, C, D, and E.
Allison 30N 95W
Barry 32N 67W
Chantal 18N 93W
Dean 44N 52W
Erin 48N 52W
TD2 13N 40W

II.Point your browser to TOPOZONE  at III.
 USGS Geologic Info.about Mid-Atlantic States
1. ** Go to:
2. Click on: "Stratigraphic Framework of Cambrian and Ordovician Rocks in the Central Appalachian Basin " Then Choose: "Stratigraphic Framework..." (=1st graphic on top left)..
3. Under "Explanation". please list 5 different kinds of rocks that can be found in the Appalachian Mountains.
  (shale, siltstone, sandstone, limestone, marble, and granite)

IV. Latitude/Longitude  activity for Pythagorean Theory

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